Storm Upon the Dawn: Immortality Shattered: Book 4

Storm Upon the Dawn: Immortality Shattered: Book 4

The epic conclusion to Immortality Shattered is here.

The High Council of the Free Lands is no more. Meisthelm has fallen. Killed in the ultimate act of betrayal, the Black Imelin no longer threatens the world.




The epic conclusion to Immortality Shattered is here.

The High Council of the Free Lands is no more. Meisthelm has fallen. Killed in the ultimate act of betrayal, the Black Imelin no longer threatens the world. In his stead, a stronger, more powerful villain has arisen and continues the work he began. Aron Kryte and his companions struggle with their next course of action. Armies of darklings and Rovers continue to plague the Free Lands. Only by combining the armies of Galdea and the Hierarchy do they stand a chance of defeating the rising evil. Poros Pendyier and the remnants of the Free Rebellion, combined with the might of the Dagger Trolls, prepare to stop the evil growing in Morthus.

The traitorous Arlyn Gert has decided to build her empire from which to dominate the Free Lands. All she needs to do is secure Mordrun Hath, the Forge of Wizards. The land of Sadith Oom, forgotten by generations, has become the stage for the greatest conflict in history. The only thing standing in her way is the young Golden Warrior Aron Kryte. He alone can save the Free Lands from unending darkness by destroying the Staff of Life in the wizard fires of Mordrun Hath.

Friends will fall. Heroes will rise. The final hour approaches.


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