Category : Uncategorized

Things to Come

Summer is heating up and nothing ever seems to slow down. In the midst of reorganizing my publishing effort and starting my own label: Warfighter...

It Ain’t Easy

There’s a country song that goes “it ain’t easy, but it ain’t supposed to be”. How true is that? Life is a grind, even when...


Obstacles. Life is filled with them. How we choose to handle each determines the course of our future. As the ever patient (ok, maybe not...

New Book Release: Through Darkness Besieged: A.

The time has come. It feels like I have been writing this series forever, and maybe I have. The initial idea came to me back...

The Price of Publishing

Nothing in life is easy. That’s for sure, but doesn’t that make it more desirable? Knowing you have to work to get somewhere? I started...

Book Review: Winds of Marque

If you know me, you know I like to take a chance here and there. Browsing the shelves at my local bookstore definitely fits into...

Book review: The worst of all possible.

Who doesn’t like a good sci-fi caper? Alex White’s Salvager series provides all the tropes you have come to love and expect. From the mix-matched...

What’s The Point?

Ever been asked this question and took the time to think it through? I have, and I did. Writing, for me, has always been something...


The longer I get into this journey of madness, despair, and thrill the more I realize I don’t really know what I’m doing. How many...

Lemons, and all that.

Doesn’t life always seem to get in the way? That pesky little thing that keeps us up late at night when we know we should...