Day 9: (and a whole lot more): Where Have All the Elves Gone?
I hope everyone had a good holiday and is ready to jump into the new year with all guns blazing. I sure am. This book is one of my personal favorites and a protest over the sparkly vampire craze that all but killed fantasy- at least in terms of what the publishers were looking for. You know which one I’m talking about….so stupid…..
So I decided to write Where Have All the Elves Gone? as sort of tongue in cheek and an angry lashing against the industry and their poor choice of story telling…. but that’s my beef. The result is a pretty good tale of a former Army man turned author who has his newest fantasy novel rejected because that’s not what the business is looking for. (See any parallels?) What results is one long night where our hero learns that all the stuff he writes about is real and they are walking all around us. Throw in a shadowy government agency and you got yourself a rip-roaring adventure across the great state of North Carolina. Enjoy.
Where Have All the Elves Gone?
Everyone knows elves don’t exist. Right?
Fantasy author Daniel Thomas never imagined the mythical creatures he wrote about actually existed and wishes they weren’t. Daniel is about to embark on the longest and worst night of his life as he is drawn into an elf civil war happening in Raleigh, North Carolina. The only thing keeping him alive are two dwarf brothers who smoke too many cigars and have more guns than the US Army.
Making matters worse is a secret government organization determined to keep it all a secret.
Where Have All the Elves Gone? is part James Bond, part Eddie Drood, and all chaos as Daniel sets out to save two worlds before they collide.

One of my more recent ideas, this one involves a squad of space marines crash landing on a gunpowder.

By far my most successful book, with over 650 reviews and counting, this one is a bit Viking and.