Lemons, and all that.
Doesn’t life always seem to get in the way? That pesky little thing that keeps us up late at night when we know we should be sleeping. Endless hours of the pillow not doing its job. The mattress feeling not quite right. Then the sun rises and you feel like Theoden at Helm’s Deep. Ah well.
After realizing I jumped the gun with launching Warfighter Books I have been doing a lot of reflecting. The bad news is there is soooooooo much to go before I will be comfortable with my finished product. There was a time when I was writing three books a year and trusting my publisher (cough) would do their job. Not only was this a swing and a miss, but I am seeing such an inferior product from said publisher. Let’s chalk this up to my inexperience but the editing job done by their staff editor was freaking horrible. I’m pretty sure my college freshman could do a better job and she makes me cringe when I read her work.
The good news is I am continuing to gain experience on the backend of the business and am now going through my extensive catalogue to re-edit and ensure you get the best possible product. Who wants to read a book filled with typos, one million commas, and worse? Two books down and 23 to go before I can actually get back to the business of writing.
Update 1: I was recently contacted by our local police department with a request to donate a few autographed copies of my books to help with their auction for the Special Olympics. How could I possibly say no to that? (Thankfully they weren’t writing to say hey c’mon down to the station. We have some questions….)
This week’s recently edited book is one of the first ones I wrote: Armies of the Silver Mage. Swing by your favorite retailer and grab a copy- paperback or ebook. And by all means, let me know what you think! You’re just as important in this game as my words.

By far my most successful book, with over 650 reviews and counting, this one is a bit Viking and.

One of my more recent ideas, this one involves a squad of space marines crash landing on a gunpowder.