March Promo: The Law of the Heretic
Let’s talk about evolution. For this book, it was a long, arduous journey. Back in the old days I used to write everything by hand. Then again, I was still in high school and hadn’t gotten my fancy new word processer yet! I would come home, knock out homework and chores, and then retreat back to my room to listen to heavy metal and create this story. Don’t judge. It was the 80s and metal was in full swing.
Then something happened. I got about 120 pages in and realized the story sucked. Or so I thought. Whelp, I shoved it into a folder and didn’t touch it again until 1997 during my second tour of duty on the Korean DMZ. I meticulously poured over the characters, settings, and story. I scrapped what I didn’t like and burned through the rest of the book until I was satisfied. I drafted up book two and had ideations for the 3rd and 4th books.

I returned home at the end of 97, went to Oklahoma for a development school and wrote the first half of the second book. And then….
Not. One. Damned. Word.
They sat in binders, still handwritten, and I had no interested in finishing the story. Flash forward to 2013 and I attacked the story, finishing all 3 books in a year. There it was. Story complete. Immortality Shattered now stands at a complete 4 volume set, but the inklings of a new trilogy set in that world have started gnawing on my mind. Who knows what the future holds? If I do decide to write another series let’s hope it doesn’t take 25 yrs to get it done.
Law of the heretic: Immortality Shattered I is on sale all month for 1.99 ebook. Grab copy and let me know what you think.

One of my more recent ideas, this one involves a squad of space marines crash landing on a gunpowder.

By far my most successful book, with over 650 reviews and counting, this one is a bit Viking and.