New Events and Exciting Times
Hey friends! Hope all is well with you. Things have been chaotic for us here in the writing lab for a while now. Between an unexpected cancer diagnosis right before Christmas for my wife and all that entails, I have barely had time to write. Or the head space, for that matter.
All is well though, or at least we think so. She’s out of surgery and recovering and might not need chemo. Fingers crossed on that one. We both can’t be bald!
So, for the month of February I am donating all book sale proceeds to Colon Cancer Research. Please do share with friends or, if you’re up to it, pitch in and support a good cause. I’ve already received so many emails from you all expressing similar situations. I truly believe we can win if we’re all in this together.
Now, on to the exciting part. I am scheduled to appear live at almost 30 events this year. 30! I did 8 last year. Business is picking up and that’s thanks to you all. Throw in I am finally developing a direct sales shop- linked through here, so none of us have to pay those pesky fees for big box chains or the dreaded Amazon, and I’m feeling good about the future!
First up is Hickory Comicon in Hickory North Carolina. Feb 18th from 10-5. If you’re in the part of the state swing by and say hi. I’d love to see you.

By far my most successful book, with over 650 reviews and counting, this one is a bit Viking and.

One of my more recent ideas, this one involves a squad of space marines crash landing on a gunpowder.