
The last two weeks have been a whirlwind of activity. First up was the Wilmington NC Geekfest (?). This was a small con that had been on Covid hiatus for the past two years and whoa nellie was it a stinker. You know it’s bad when a quarter of the vendors fail to show up! But I jumped in the car and hit the 120 miles down to the beach. And that’s where the fun ended. The only good news was I was right across the river from the USS North Carolina WWII era battleship (If you’re in the area I definitely recommend a tour!)

The event itself was miserable. Few attendees. No guests or celebrities. No one was coming off their wallets. Understandable considering how things have been lately. I wound up with just 7 sales and didn’t cover the cost of the table. I’m definitely crossing this one off the list for next year!

Then came the Fayetteville Comicon. A good event, filled with guests and D list celebrities. This one turned out to be another stinker. I came out short 50$ but made more connections with industry people so it wasn’t a total loss.

In between the first and second day I had the unenviable position of letting go of one of my dogs. He’d been with us for almost 11 years and it was time. A late night breathing attack and it was the right and humane thing to do. I’d been fighting it for a month, spending 1000s to get him alive. The decision wasn’t easy. How can it be? He was my friend. So I said goodbye one final time and let him pass. Goodbye Aussie. You were a far better friend than I deserved. 30 Jun 2011- 24 Apr 2022.

After getting home that night around 2 am, I grabbed a few hours and hit the road back to day 2 of the con. My heart wasn’t in it. My eyes hurt, but I trooped on. It was a much better event than Wilmington but they always turn the AC up high, which kills me for a week after.

Now I get to rest up and refocus a bit before hitting the road again next weekend for Greensboro, NC Comicon. If you’re in the area Sun May 15th come on down to the Greensboro Convention Center and say hey.

This month’s special is the Children of Never: A War Priests of Andrak Saga. I had a blast writing this one and hope you’ll enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

And if you’re not on the mailing list yet, hope over and sign up today. I have a few free short stories to give you.

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Christian Warren Freed



By far my most successful book, with over 650 reviews and counting, this one is a bit Viking and.


One of my more recent ideas, this one involves a squad of space marines crash landing on a gunpowder.

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