stuck like chuck
Back before the war began my unit was out in the field conducting live fire. I was temporarily assigned to the battalion S3 shop where I was doing ops work. Three of us NCOs were having a conversation and joking around before the next round of fire missions when the unit Chaplain came over. I don’t remember how it came up but the Staff Sergeant next to me told ‘Chappy’ that he was stuck like chuck. Poor old Chappy asked who’s Chuck? Without missing a beat the two of us pointed at the 3rd sergeant and said, “he is!” Which was true. His name was Chuck.

Where am I going with this? I dunno, but it makes me chuckle from time to time (no pun intended). The real point is sometimes we are all stuck like Chuck. Seemingly trapped in a place we don’t want to be in, not sure how we got there, and can’t see a clear path forward. Poor Chuck doesn’t have that great of a life I guess.
I could say I’m having a stuck like Chuck moment. The rental property is coming along nicely and I no longer want to burn it to the ground. I’ve invested in it to spruce it up and update it, insurance is coming through in a big way, and I already have a potential buyer.
That leaves me business. I’ve been floundering for a while, overwhelmed with how much I still need to do to be considered satisfied and get back to what I really want to do- WRITE. But I can’t get there until I finish up so much other work. Writing more than 25 books has been fun…until I need to re-edit everything, publish, market…you get the point.
At the end of the day I have to ask myself that one question we all need to ask, is it worth it?
I know my answer. What’s yours?

By far my most successful book, with over 650 reviews and counting, this one is a bit Viking and.

One of my more recent ideas, this one involves a squad of space marines crash landing on a gunpowder.